The governors of the various states are, without a doubt, major stakeholders. One might go even as far as to say the President of the United States and the federal government itself are stakeholders. Anyone who is involved in the politics of the states and who has power in public education cares about what becomes of the American public schools ایران آموزشگاه بانک اطلاعات مراکز خدماتی.
Each year, we compare tests between various counties within the states, and we compare tests between various states in the nation to determine which states are performing well, despite the fact that we know there are many other factors–other than testing–that demonstrate that a student has had an effective education. Although there is more to education than testing (like learning to analyze the world), testing is still looming over education’s crisis management field.
Parents and students themselves will always be essential stakeholders. Most parents want their children to have an effective education that will bring them much success in the future. More than anything else, parents want to know that their children are safe and protected in the schools. Parents care about the video system installed in the schools to see what goes on during the day, to ensure children’s safety, and they also care about having emergency plans in place to deter criminals from endangering children.
Furthermore, the fear of guns and arms looms over the schools.Therefore, police are stationed in the schools to protect each and every campus. Of course, the police are both stakeholders and an essential part of crisis management teams.
Perhaps the public schools have more risk issues and situations to deal with than any other entity. Schools deal with taking care of homeless families, even with spiritual and moral issues of the community. Therefore, the crisis management team must be as flexible as possible (and open-minded) to be able to help people from various cultures, from various ethnicities, and even from various spiritualities.
In order to assess all the risks, our school crisis management teams must brainstorm to come up with a list of all possible occurrences. We need input from all members of the community, including the Islamic community, the Christians, the Hindus, as well as many others.
One of the best resources that we can use to imagine what crises could befall our community is the newspaper (through research of the news in general). The news provides excellent documentation of crisis situations and how they have been handled by other school systems as well as how, in some instances, the law punished people who were responsible for man-made crises.
Some of the issues that have occurred in other schools throughout the country have included: nepotism, money laundering, buying services for rewards, abuse of teachers by students, abuse of students by teachers, students carrying weapons to school, drugs and alcohol, gangs, sexting, bullying (staff-to-staff and student-to-student bullying and more), depression, heart attack, death, sport-injuries, missing persons, rape, cheating, automobile accidents, delinquency, unfair hiring practices, discrimination, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.
It is evident that all schools have much to contend with from year to year, and those who are on the crisis management team have to remain calm, cool, and collect for the sake of the greater good. We cannot (nor do we want) to have complete control over the family lives and the personal lives of students who come into the schools.
As a large crisis management team working in unison, school systems will do their best to protect students and to report any dangers to the Departments of Social Services immediately as needed to protect students. The safety of all involved is of utmost importance!
When it comes to the reputation of our organizations, school systems must insist that all teachers and staff have high moral ethics. Everyone must take a short course in ethics, read the rules of ethics, and even sign a promise to be ethical staff members. Otherwise, he or she will have his or her certificate revoked. Ethics means different things to different people, but to a teacher it means treating others with love and respect.
No matter how important the standardized test scores are in order to receive federal or state funding, there is no excuse for cheating on tests or for committing other unethical testing practices. Should one become aware of such practice, he or she must report the incident immediately to his or her administrator.
Otherwise, he or she risks termination and revocation of American teacher certification. The whistle-blowers who report cheating are protected under the law and should report to the next highest member of their teams. Strict adherence to ethical and honest behavior is of the essence! There should be a map showing the chain of command, and this map should be provided to all individuals who make up part of the crisis communication teams in public schools.
All media organizations are critical to our educational community. Anything that happens in the public schools, no matter where in the nation, becomes scrutinized by readers and listeners who follow the media. For instance, a kindergarten teacher in another county was recently murdered in her home by her mother-in-law who did not agree with a custody order.
This became a top news story. Since the deceased woman was a kindergarten teacher, this news impacted her students in a negative manner. Therefore, it was appropriate for that county to utilize the counseling staff to see if kindergarten children needed extra psychological support. (Perhaps, the murderer did not consider the negative impact that her actions would have had on the kindergartners as well as her own grandchildren.)
With such a broad community in the American public schools, from time to time they will be in the media for positive or negative reasons; therefore, it is also essential to provide the media with positive and uplifting news on an ongoing basis, especially since schools have more uplifting news and triumphs by their students then they have negative news.
The school’s crisis management team mustn’t neglect promoting all of the good things that are taking place in the educational community.Students often win national competitions in music, in visual arts, and in dance. They receive scholarships to colleges for academic and sports performance. Students and teachers often donate food to help the poor, and they do other nice things for the community.
Many a time, there are international art shows with art by students across the globe. There is so much more going on to demonstrate excellence in the schools, and it is the responsibility of the crisis communications team to make certain that this is evident. In fact, showing the world all the good things that are going on in our schools stimulates more goodness from the rest of the world!